Here are 6 more workshops for the CSLA Conference in Yosemite that are super relevant. I challenge you to find ONLY one that you want to attend. The last 6 will be posted soon.
7: Great LGBTQ Books for Youth
Michael Cart, Booklist Columnist, identifies titles that address the sensitive and important topics of coming out, being out, and the search for community. This workshop will spotlight the best lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, and questioning books written for teens.
Michael Cart, Booklist Columnist, identifies titles that address the sensitive and important topics of coming out, being out, and the search for community. This workshop will spotlight the best lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, and questioning books written for teens.
8: Why Don’t They Know What I DO?
Deborah Ford, Director of Library Outreach Junior Library Guild. How can you get your stakeholders to see the value of your work? Hands-on, make-a-plan workshop that arms you with the tools you need to promote the value of the library program. Learn how to use relationships, engagement, statistics, and the power of story.
Deborah Ford, Director of Library Outreach Junior Library Guild. How can you get your stakeholders to see the value of your work? Hands-on, make-a-plan workshop that arms you with the tools you need to promote the value of the library program. Learn how to use relationships, engagement, statistics, and the power of story.
9: Break Out!: Breakout Boxes for Crosscurricular Critical
Thinking in the Library (K-12)
Amy Linden & Jennifer Zimmy, Teacher Librarians, High School. Learn ways that this concept can be applied so you can have ANY class come to use your library, even math and CTE! Learn about the basic structure, necessary supplies, and steps to take to create your own games.
Amy Linden & Jennifer Zimmy, Teacher Librarians, High School. Learn ways that this concept can be applied so you can have ANY class come to use your library, even math and CTE! Learn about the basic structure, necessary supplies, and steps to take to create your own games.
10: Check It Out: Strategies for Understanding How to
Fact-check the Information in Front of You (K-12)
Connie Williams, Retired Teacher Librarian, High School.
How do we help students dig deeper to find the source and validity of their information? Explore how TLs can equip students and teachers with the tools and easy to understand, simple-to-use strategies for evaluating online [and print] information.
Connie Williams, Retired Teacher Librarian, High School.
How do we help students dig deeper to find the source and validity of their information? Explore how TLs can equip students and teachers with the tools and easy to understand, simple-to-use strategies for evaluating online [and print] information.
11: School Librarians as Learning Leaders: Advocacy Begins
with Each of Us! (K-12)Audrey Church, Professor of
School Librarianship. How do we convey the message that school librarians
transform student learning to our teachers, administrators, parents, community
members, and legislators. Explore strategies, techniques, and tools to use in advocacy
efforts and develop an advocacy plan.
12: Powerful Skills for Successful Learning: Teaching
Research in a Digital World (K-12) Deb Stanley, Retired
Teacher Librarian, Middle School.This session will describe a six-step research
process, each step moving students from print to digital skills that maximize
student information management while minimizing — or eliminating! — plagiarism.
Research instruction, technology integration, and digital citizenship will be
woven together into an effective research process for a digital world.
Practical lessons and materials are included. Workshop content is based on the
website: The Research Process in a Digital World.