Teacher Librarian Day is OCTOBER 19, 7am-8pm.
The Library Online conference is celebrating the fifth anniversary! Huge thanks and a shout-out to founding partner The School of Information at San José State University<http://ischool.sjsu.edu/> and its director (and conference co-chair), Dr. Sandra Hirsh <http://ischoolapps.sjsu.edu/facultypages/view.php?fac=hirshs>, for the vision and support that has made this unique event a reality.
With their help the conference community has grown to over 21,000 members, and teacher librarians are encouraged to learn more, make connections, and get future announcements by joining Library 2.0<http://www.library20.com/>.
For the pre-conference event this year, the conference organizers are excited to announce Teacher Librarian Day <http://www.teacherlibrarian.org/page/teacher-librarian-day> on Monday, October 19th, a five-hour special (and also free) series of online sessions around the topic of "Teacher Librarians and School Culture" - organized by Joyce Valenza<http://about.me/jvalenza>, with lots of special guests<http://www.teacherlibrarian.org/page/teacher-librarian-day>, and supported by CiSSL, the Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries at Rutgers<http://cissl.rutgers.edu/>. The conference has inherited the Global Teacher Librarian Ning network, with over 7,000 members--learn more and connect with others at http://www.teacherlibrarian.org<http://www.teacherlibrarian.org/>.